Website Manager

Somerset Youth Baseball Association

Board Members

Elected Board Positions
President: Brady Peterson
Vice President: Josh Emerson
Secretary:  Jen Sutton
Treasurer:  Sharon Perry

Appointed Board Positions
Scheduling Coordinator: Dan Gilkerson
Equipment Manager: Tony Linka
Concession Manager: Anne Jameson
Uniform Coordinator: Jen Sutton
In House Rec Director: Open Position
Rec Travel Director: Open Position
MBL Travel Director: Dan Gilkerson
Sponsorship Coordinator: Matt Dodge

The roles and responsibilities are listed below:

A.         The President shall:


·         Preside over all meetings of the Association and Board

·         Serve as President of the Association

·         Have responsibility of general and overall management of the business of the Association

·         Set the agenda of meeting and see that all orders and resolutions are carried into effect

·         Represent the SYBA at meetings of other organizations, including the Village of Somerset

·         Perform such other duties as are normally associated with the position of President

·         Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to SYBA and report to the Board as circumstances warrant.


B.         The Vice President shall:


·         Perform such duties as assigned by the President

·         Otherwise assist the President in the performance of their duties

·         Preside over or represent SYBA at any meetings in the absence of the President

·         Assume an active role in the recruitment and evaluation of coaches

·         Assume an active role in directing and/or assisting League Directors in the assignment of players to teams, scheduling, and coaching assignments.

·         Develop a working relationship with coaches, League Directors, and thereby, in communication with the President, report successes or solve problems before they become acute


C.        The Treasurer shall:


·         Receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Board

·         Keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed by SYBA

·         Submit financial reports on a regular basis and as requested by the President or Vice President

·         Compile an annual report of SYBA finances

·         Transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed them in that office


D.        The Secretary shall:


·         Have custody of the Articles, By-Laws, meeting minutes, and all other (excepting financial) records of SYBA

·         Keep an accurate record of meetings and other SYBA activities

·         Transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed them in that office


E.         The Equipment Manager shall:


·         Empty and clean all equipment bags, and take inventory of the equipment during the off-season

·         Obtain any required new equipment as directed by the Board

·         Provide equipment as required for player tryout sessions

·         Fill and distribute equipment bags and provide additional equipment as needed

·         Distribute baseballs as required for games and practices

·         Collect all equipment from coaches and lockboxes at the end of the season


F.         The T-Ball and Machine Pitch Director shall:


·         Determine the number of teams for each age group

·         Determine and assign coaches for the teams in each age group

·         Assign players to teams

·         Assist in the scheduling of games and practices

·         Hold a coaches’ meeting/clinic prior to the season to relay any pertinent information, practice plans, hand out uniforms and equipment, and inform coaches of the SYBA code-of-conduct.

·         Coordinate the distribution of equipment, uniforms, and pictures to coaches

·         Be the first point of contact for all T-Ball and Machine Pitch communications

·         Monitor games and practices throughout the season and report findings


G.        The Rookie League and 10U Tournament Team Director shall:


·         Determine the number of teams for the Rookie League

·         Determine and assign coaches for the Rookie League

·         Assign players to teams

·         Assist in the scheduling of games and practices for the Rookie League

·         Hold a coaches’ meeting/clinic prior to the season to relay any pertinent information, practice plans, hand out uniforms and equipment, and inform coaches of the SYBA code-of-conduct.

·         Coordinate the distribution of equipment, uniforms, and pictures to coaches

·         Work with Player Development Director to schedule and coordinate a tryout for the 10U Tournament Team in the fall prior to the upcoming season

·         Work with Player Development Director to evaluate tryout results for the purpose of choosing players for the 10U Tournament Team

·         Determine and assign coaches for the 10U Tournament Team

·         Work with MBL Director to choose up to 3 tournaments in which the 10U Tournament Team will participate and schedule practice times

·         Be the first point of contact for all Rookie League and 10U Tournament Team communications

·         Monitor games and practices throughout the season and report findings


H.        The Minor League and Major League Director shall:


·         Determine the number of teams for each age group

·         Determine and assign coaches for the teams in each age group

·         Assign players to teams

·         Assist in the scheduling of games and practices

·         Hold a coaches’ meeting/clinic prior to the season to relay any pertinent information, practice plans, hand out uniforms and equipment, and inform coaches of the SYBA code-of-conduct.

·         Coordinate the distribution of equipment, uniforms, and pictures to coaches

·         Be the first point of contact for all Minor League and Major League communications

·         Monitor games and practices throughout the season and report findings


I.          The MBL/Tournament Director shall:


·         Work with Player Development Director to schedule and coordinate a tryout for the 12U through 14U age groups in the fall prior to the upcoming season

·         Work with Player Development Director to evaluate tryout results for the purpose of determining for which age groups teams will be offered and choosing players for those teams

·         Determine and assign coaches for all teams competing in the MBL

·         Assist in scheduling games, practices, and tournaments

·         Hold a coaches’ meeting/clinic prior to the season to relay any pertinent information, practice plans, hand out uniforms and equipment, and inform coaches of the        SYBA code-of-conduct.

·         Coordinate the distribution of equipment, uniforms, and pictures to coaches

·         Coordinate tournament dates for the T-Ball, Machine Pitch, and Rookie League end of season tournaments

·         Schedule tournament games

·         Work with the Fundraising/Uniform Director to purchase trophies and/or ribbons for the end of season tournaments

·         Make sure all necessary items are at the fields for the end of season tournaments i.e., equipment, batting tees, machines, bases, chalk, and baseballs

·         Be the first point of contact for all MBL related communications

·         Monitor games and practices throughout the season and report findings


J.         The Uniform Director shall:


·         Choose a vendor for the purchasing SYBA uniforms and apparel

·         Coordinate the ordering of  all uniforms and distribute the uniforms to the appropriate directors

·         Work with uniform vendor to create a limited run SYBA apparel store

·         Coordinate and schedule team pictures with a vendor and schedule picture delivery and distribution


K.        The Fundraising Director shall:


·         Develop and implement fundraising opportunities with Board approval

·         Coordinate the purchase of items needed for fundraising events

·         Coordinate a volunteer schedule for fundraising events

·         Maintain a list of sponsors, containing all necessary information i.e., contact information and logos

·         Coordinate the training of volunteers as needed


L.         The Concessions Manager shall:


·         Determine concession stand hours of operation

·         Purchase necessary food and beverage supplies for concession stand

·         Coordinate a volunteer work schedule to cover concession hours of operation

·         Purchase necessary food and beverage supplies for the concession stand for sale during the end of season tournaments

·         Coordinate a volunteer schedule to operate the concession stand during the end of season tournaments

·         Coordinate training of volunteers as needed


M.        The Field Maintenance Manager shall:


·         Make sure all fields are in good working order and coordinate repairs as needed with Board approval

·         Obtain and/or maintain a lawn care service for the mowing of the fields on the St. Anne’s property and coordinating weed control

·         Coordinate volunteers to ensure the fields on the St. Anne’s property are drug on a weekly basis at a minimum

·         Make sure all field have the appropriate field maintenance materials and equipment i.e., rakes, drags, chalk, field liner, line, diamond dry, and base anchor dig out tool

·         Arrange for field preparation for all SYBA games


N.        The Umpire Coordinator shall:


·         Obtain suitable umpire as directed by the Board

·         Schedule and hold training sessions for the umpires

·         Assign umpires for all games

·         Arrange for payment of the umpires

·         Investigate all complaints relative to umpires and make suitable recommendations to the Board

·         Evaluate umpire performance and provide feedback


O.        The Player Development Director shall:


·         Coordinate all tryouts throughout the association and arrange for evaluators and volunteers to help run the tryouts

·         Develop and promote age specific practice plans and work with coaches to implement the practice plans

·         Work with league directors to provide information and literature for their preseason coaches’ meetings

·         Work with the High School Coach to make sure the MBL teams are running the same systems as the high school team i.e., bunt coverages, cutoffs, and base coverages


P.         The High School Coach and/or Assistant Coach shall:


·         Assist with coordinating and promoting player development camps or clinics

·         Assist with coordinating and promoting coaching clinics

·         Work with the Player Development Director to ensure SYBA players are best prepared to make the step to the high school level